Oct 9, 2018
The old saying proved true on Tuesday when "Patchwork Grey," Maffe's composition for solo harp, won the fourth annual A Piacere Solo Instrument Composition Competition at Biola. The purpose of the competition is to allow student composers to become more adept at writing for specific solo instruments and to improve composition skills in a much more exposed setting, rather than being able to hide behind the facade of thicker instrumentation. "Patchwork Grey" is characterized by its colorful chromaticism despite the practical limitations of the instrument's tuning pedals. Gretchen Sheetz will perform the music at Biola's upcoming fall composer's concert.
Maffe also won the 'A Piacere' competition in 2015 for "Aficionado" (adjudicated and performed by Ilan Morgenstern, bass trombone) and in 2017 for "A Raven on the Moor" (adjudicated and performed by Maksim Velichkin, cello).